My Beauty Unboxing {Find It All Here}

I love unboxing new beauty items I am send for my TV segments. From the first impression to detailed reviews you can always find me on my Instagram stories sharing it all. I put this running list together of all my finds to make it easier for your to try them too!


Cococare Coconut Oil - Perfect out of the shower for silky soft skin all day

Cococare Cocoa Butter - Ideal for dry patches like elbows and knees

Cannaphyll Hemp Cream - Helps soothe muscle pain and inflammation


Cococare Argan Oil - Love it as a mask for healthy hair


Cococare Rose Water - Very hydrating natural face mist

Beauty Counter Hello Hydration - Helps dull and thirsty skin heal


Earth Mama Morning Wellness Body Wash - Lathers so nice, gentle for mom to be

Earth Mama Sweet Orange Baby Wash - Smells amazing and delicate for baby skin
