Be Original, Buy Original

Most of us relish in what makes us unique. Even those who went to school wearing uniforms found ways to show their individuality through small touches. We decorated our bedrooms, then dorm rooms to show people who we were, what we liked. We look original. Even when the cultural uniform was blue jeans, we each found our own way of wearing them. We each have and still strive to be original.

Now a grown up, you have countless ways to be original, and a big way is through the ORIGINAL ART you have on your apartment, home and office walls. You can wear unique hand made jewelry and clothes. You can give original handmade gifts made by American artists that make the birthday, anniversary, graduation, engagement, and new home gift so much more meaningful and unique.

The easiest place to see original art is at the many juried art festivals that take place. Juried means that artists had to apply and be selected to be in the festival. This pre-screening gives you a quality assurance for the original art you will see.

Festivals showcase original paintings, sculpture, photographs, jewelry, wearables, and so much more. Not only is the work original, but you can talk to the maker and find out about the process and inspiration for the piece too. And when you buy directly from an artist, you know that your money isn’t going into big box rents and employee rosters.

So, be original and buy original. Amdur Productions offers 41 juried art festivals this year in the greater Chicago and Milwaukee area. Go to for a full list of festivals, dates and locations.

#art #lifestyle #amyamdur
