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Activate 2k14


How do you activate? This was the question of the day at the Activate Confrence created by Lucinda Cross. I was honored to be a guest speaker at the amazing event held in Times Square, NY. There was an energy I felt the minute I walked in the clear glass doors. I was greeted by Lucinda's team and brought to the green room. In this little room I meet Bershan Shaw from OWN tv's show "Love In The City" and entrepreneur turned motivational speaker Jen Groover.

Jen Groover was first to speak. I was drawn in by her brilliant story about building her business. Her words set the room on fire. It was as if you could see the sparks in the air. My panel was up next including myself, Amber Sabathia, Ash Cash, Sammy D, and Felicia Scott. We were there to inspired and to share our experiences. An hour of Q & A seemed like only a few minutes. At times the audience felt like they were inspiring us.

We were all there to learn and grow. The purpose as I saw it, was to activate your dreams. Activate the excitement to make things happen now. Activate your intentions. The support for each individuals aspirations was overwhelming. Truly a confernece to drive success and entrepreneuarial spirit.


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