8 Tips for Health & Balanced Travel with Dr. Raj

If you are headed out for the holidays it is essential to keep your body healthy and blanced. It will not only keep your feeling good but others around you will be influenced by your good spirit. Dr. Raj helps us with her top 8 tips for meditating to loading up on probiotics. Meditating has helped me on a daily basis, stay focused and mor productive. I wouldnt leave my house, especially while traveling without my probiotics. Stay well and look bright eyed for this wonderful time of the year.
Load up on probiotics. To boost your immune system this season, incorporate foods rich in probiotics into your diet, such as yogurt with live active cultures available in most airport concessions. Studies show that introducing “friendly” good bacteria in your diet helps to maintain a strong immune system. Probiotics are live organisms that inhabit your gastrointestinal tract. When they are abundant in your body it is harder for harmful bacteria that can cause illness to take hold in your system. Recent research also suggests that probiotics may improve the health of your skin by boosting your skin’s protective mechanisms and natural defenses. Find time to meditate. Let’s face it: traveling for holidays, preparing meals, house cleaning and dealing with family members can be stressful. My working mom mantra is quite simple: ask for help. Don't put it on yourself to do everything and, most importantly, find ways to stay balanced. I find balance in my regular mediation practice. There are many online tools that can help, but my favorite is Simply Being app for Apple, Android and Blackberry, which offers guided meditation for relaxation. Keep your skin balanced. Temperatures and air circulation in airports and travel hubs can vary greatly which can wreak havoc on your skin leaving it dry, dull and rough. My TULA Day & Night Hydrating Cream incorporates the power of probiotics to hydrate, rebalance and protect your skin as well as boost skin’s natural defenses to fight environmental damage. Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration. Dehydration not only robs you of energy but also makes your body less able to efficiently detoxify which weakens your ability to fight infection. Dry winter air and airplane cabins can dry out your nasal passages, making you more prone to bacterial infection, so pack a drug-free saline spray or nasal drops in your carry-on. Proper hydration and upping your fiber intake can also keep your bowels regular which traveling can sometimes throw off. Remember that drinking alcohol can dehydrate you as well – drink water in between each cocktail this season, and abstain from alcohol in-flight. Be diligent about germs. Washing your hands is one of the single most important ways to keep illness away. Keep an alcohol-based hand sanitizer in your bag as backup, but the best method is to wash with regular soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds. Take the time to scrub all parts of your hands, not just your palms. Wash or sanitize after using ATM machines, luggage carts and public transportation. Hand lotion after washing or sanitizing is important to keep your skin barrier strong. I travel a lot for media appearances and I always wear socks so I’m not barefoot when going through airport security. Bring your own travel antiseptic wipes for your luggage handles and zippers when you get it back from security. Cell phones, laptops and other electronic devices should be wiped down regularly as well (especially after having been placed in security bins). In-flight I make sure to wipe my close surroundings down, including the tray and armrests to avoid picking up germs. Most airlines don't wash the blankets and pillows between each flight so I suggest bringing your own blanket or big comfy sweater and pillow if you plan on catching some sleep and/or know you always get chilly on planes. I like The Secret Sweater Shawl and Travel Blanket. Keep your beauty routine simple. When traveling, I don’t have time for a complex beauty routine so I always bring the TULA Discovery Collection. It contains the four key products I need for healthy, balanced skin in travel-friendly sizes that don't take up space in my carry-on and allow me to combat the harsh environmental effects of traveling on my skin. Stay Active. Between the cold weather and the many social engagements the holidays bring it is easy to fall out of your regular exercise routine. Big mistake! Now, more than ever, you need the calorie-burning, stress-busting, and mood-boosting effects of physical activity so stay disciplined and keep moving. Where do I spend most of my time at our office holiday party? It is not the bar or the buffet but - you guessed it - the dance floor! Even a leisurely stroll with your family and friends (bundle up if you need to!) is a great way to stay moving. If you’re taking a long flight make sure to get up and walk the aisle every hour if possible to keep your circulation going and help prevent blood clots. Maintain sleeping patterns. When you are sleep-deprived your immune system produces fewer antibodies and T-cells to fight infections. While drinking alcohol might seem like a great way to relax over the holidays, it can also negatively affect your sleep quality. You may be tempted when you get off a long flight to go right to bed, but it’s best to follow light patterns to help your body adjust more quickly to a new time zone.