Simple, Effective Beauty Tips

As a makeup artist I am often asked what my top beauty tips are. Here are eight simple, yet highly effective beauty tricks!
1. Lips ready: take a clean, new toothbrush and gently scrub off dry, flaky skin. Make a homemade scrub of olive oil and sugar in the raw to exfoliate the sensitive lip skin. Then apply moisturizer that contains lanolin to soften and hydrate lips.
2. Get glowing skin: Take your favorite foundation and mix with a shimmery powder bronzer. With the end of one of your makeup brushes gently scrape out some bronzer into the palm of your hand then mix w/ a nickel size amount of foundation and apply all over face. This makes for instant, glowing beautiful skin.
3. Instant eye lift: Sweep a light, barely there pink or nude matte pencil and blend out right above and below your eyebrow for a higher arch and instant eye lift.
4. Clump free mascara: Wipe wand with a makeup remover towelette and dry off with a tissue to assure a smooth, fluid application of mascara.
5. Keep liner intact: The best way to keep eyeliner from slipping away, under lash lower lash line, apply a translucent powder right underneath the liner. Voila!
6. Beautiful lashes: Tried and true. Blow dry mascara wand before applying mascara to get perfectly curled lashed that open up the eyes.
7. Eyes wide open: To create the effect of big, bright and awake eyes apply a nude or white liner to the lower, inside lid line.
8. Cat eyes done right! Get the perfect cat eye using Scotch tape. The tape will help guide you when applying eye liner for the “cat eye” look. It can help create an even and balanced line.