Why It Pays To Drink Warm Lemon Water

My one morning ritual that has remained the same for many years (and won’t be going anywhere anytime soon), is a cup of warm lemon water. Like brushing teeth, it is routine for me. I believe this is one of the best ways to wake up your digestive system and kick start your metabolism for the day. But, besides those couple of health benefits here are a bunch of others to motivate you to add this healing ritual to your morning routine.
Kick start your digestive system for the day: the acid and vitamins in fresh lemon juice will flush all unwanted toxins out of the body and relieve any bloating, indigestion or heart burn.
Known to help keep skin clear: Once you have added a cup of lemon water to your daily routine you may begin to notice a major difference in your skin. It will become brighter, clearer, and suppler. Also, say bye to dark spots and circles! Vitamin C is the key to renewed, glowing skin.
Happy, Happy! Just the smell of a lemon alone can send you from sad to glad. The enzymes and invigorating properties that lemons carry can help clear your mind and alleviate anxiety. Lemons are high in potassium, not enough potassium in your blood can enhance signs of depression.
Say Cheese! And say good bye to expensive teeth whitening systems. Just one cup (eight ounces) of lemon water a day you will see results of whiter teeth.
Fresher Breath! Drinking lemon water can help fight gingivitis.
Aids in Weight loss: Lemons are high in fiber keeping hunger cravings at bay.
Revitalizing: Lemon water keeps your pH levels balanced and/or at a higher level making it easier to ward off any illnesses.
Prevent cancer: There has been much research that has found that cancer cannot thrive in an alkaline environment.
Now, you could have a cold glass of water with lemon as well, but warm water is much gentler on the body when it’s just awakening, and your body will absorb the nutrients easier at a lukewarm or warm temperature.
These are only some of the wonderful benefits of lemons. I hope you can make room in your morning routine for this life enriching ritual. If you do, let me know what benefits you take away! Cheers!