Black Diamond Meditation {Carole Shashona}

I was invited to meet jewely designer Carole Shashona and preview her latest "Black Diamond" collection at Barneys New York. Barney's is already one of my favorite stores to shop for luxurious accessories, I was excited to see what this collection had in store. As I walked over I saw some of the jewels sparkling. Carole was explaining how she started the collection after a career in Feng Shui. As I learned she had partnered with Louise Hay and Barbara Brennan to create the center of living in NY it was as if the universe brought me here to meet her.

If you know me over the past few years I have been on a journey of true awakening. Blending fashion and spirtual connectedness have been an intrical part of my path. I love feminine energy and how we can use jewels and clothing to bring out the goddess in us all.
Meeting Carole I quickly learned how her jewels are not only stunning but empower others to discover thier inner beauty and serentiy. Carole also provide a personalized mantra and a signature meditation bracelet. I have been wearing my pretty pink beaded bracelet since I left.

Each piece of the Carole Shashona collection is crafted to bring special blessings and energy to the wearer. Carole's philosophy is all about "wellness on the go" since she knows that it's not realistic for people to meditate for an hour each day. She encourages women to hold the coin on her bracelets and necklaces in order to meditate while traveling, in a cab, or at your office. Each piece is a must see.