Hair Loss and How To Slow It Down

We learned from Board-Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon & Hair Surgeon, Dr. Gary Linkov MD on why hair loss may be happening and a few tips on how to slow it down. Dr. Linkov who himself suffers from Alopecia and has lost all his hair has taken to YouTube to document his own journey with Alopecia and hair loss. He is passionate about using his own hair loss condition to bring awareness to hair loss prevention and provide potential solutions.
Dr. Linkov has put together his TOP 5 TIPS TO SLOW DOWN HAIR LOSS:
Top 5 Tips to Slow Down Hair Loss:
Reduce stress: Recent studies show that signalling from the sympathetic nervous system when subjected to stress leads to the depletion of a stem-cell population in hair follicles. This discovery sheds light on why stress turns hair prematurely grey and contributes to hair loss.
Eat healthy: Limiting caloric intake to lose weight can lead to a hair loss condition called telogen effluvium. One should be sure to consume enough biotin and B-complex vitamins in the diet or supplement with vitamins such as Nutrafol or Viviscal for improved hair stability.
Limit tight hairstyles: Tight hairstyles that put repetitive tension on the hairline such as braids or tight ponytails can cause inflammation of the hair follicle, resulting in it getting weaker and eventually falling out, causing the hairline to recede.
Finasteride for Men: An FDA approved medication that blocks the conversion to DHT, which reduces the stimulation of follicles to fall out. This is the single most effective medical therapy that we have currently for treating, and preventing progression of, male pattern baldness.
Platelet Rich Plasma: Involves using the body's own growth factors to stimulate hair follicles. Works great for men and women to slow down hair loss and thicken the existing hair.