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Fall 17' NY Fashion Week

It is hard to believe I have been attending New York Fashion Week for over 12 years now. That is over 24 seasons. It certainly went by fast and it has definitely changed. When I started, it was at Bryant Park "The Tents", I loved it there. The energy was high and the creativity was all around. It felt a bit more authentic and exclusive. When it moved to Lincoln Center the feeling shifted to a bit more business like. I enjoy the change and new atmosphere there.

Since moving from Lincoln Center, most of the shows have been scattered around the city. Although the concentration of runway shows have been around Skylight at Clarkson Square. Of course, there are still photographer's outside looking to get a good shot of popular influencers. As well as girls wearing next season's looks, even if it means open toe shoes in the snow. I've found myself over the past few seasons becoming a little more picky about the shows I go. I do believe change is good always, but I am happy I was able to experience the time when Fashion Week in New York was everything you could dream of.

Here is my glimpse inside the the Fall 2017 shows.

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