Paint Swatch Nails
Paint swatch color block nails
My Packing Tips Tips
I travel pretty often for work and fun. I have made it my mission to get better at packing only what I need but still keeping it stylish....
3 Reasons to Take Your Makeup Off Before Bed
We’re all guilty! At one time or another we’ve been too tired to take off our makeup and wind up just going to sleep. But is it really...
Techy Beauty To Protect Your Skin
There is so much talk about UV protection. The sun in the Summer months can really heat up and protecting your skin is key. For those...
Bucket Bags Are Majorly Trending
Maybe it started with Fendi but I know Pinko and Italian brand made one I bought about 5 years ago so we will never know. The style...
Repeating Numbers for Wealth - Grabovoi Numbers
Have you heard of Grabovoi numbers? As simple as I can explain it, Russian psychic Grigori Grabovoi used radionic signature numbers to...