Stretching Works Wonders
I decided I wanted to be more flexible. I found a few great 10 minute flexibility "workouts" on youtube and gave them a try. Then I...

I Did an Electrified Workout and Burned 600 Calories
So a while back I did a workout with celebrity trainer Mo Elzamor called EMS. It is Electric Muscle Stimulation, a full body training...

Everyday Exercise Secrets
Research has shown that regular physical activity can extend your life and help keep you active, flexible, and happy as you age. The...

My Workout Routine with a Personal Trainer
I post my personal training workouts weekly on my insta stories and always get questions related to what I am doing. My trainer Andrew is...

Facts Behind Alkaline Bodies
Over the years there has been so much talk about being alkaline. I always focused on that, not really knowing or understanding the theory...

Live The Glamour Live | Episode 2 with TV Fitness Expert Nadia Murdock
Live The Glamour​ LIVE Interview and show and tell with fitness and wellness expert Nadia Murdock-Villar​ follow on instagram...

Saks Well Reserved
Fitness is important at all stages of our lives. Not being a Mom yet, but seeing so many of my friends with kids, I can see how hard it...

From Walking the Treadmill to Deadlifts
So I have always gone to the gym since H.S. But my workouts rarely involved lifting any type of weight. I was always terrified of...

FijiFit at Barry's Bootcamp
I have a favorite brand of water and it is Fiji. I have loved it for a lifetime. It is crisp and refreshing and if anyone says you can't...

3 Ways To Stay Focused and Motivated About Your Health
(Tips from my girls Karena and Katrina of Tone It Up) Get Centered and Fill Your Heart with Gratitude. It’s easy to get caught up in the...